Employed backpropagation with the SGD optimizer to compute the loss between high-quality AI-generated rendered images and their originals, facilitating the generation of new texture maps from specific camera and light angles. Additionally, I utilized PyTorch3D in Jupyter Notebook to render 3D objects with UV coordinates for accurate texture mapping and visualized the results.
Utilizing C# and .NET MAUI to develop and enhance features for a cross-platform application. Currently, Working with a team of 5 to implement a wordle clone with a twist as well as a group chat. Furthermore, I am also working on a Soundboard feature and push notifications.
Building 5 fullstack projects in 5 weeks with a team of 3 with a final deployable project getting 1000 people waitlisted. Utilizing React, NextJS, Firebase, StripeAPI, OpenAI, Auth, AWS, and other tools. Finally, Participating in weekly hackathons and IRL meetings emphasizing branding and meeting deadlines.
Since coming back to school with no information, I had to network, join communities, and ask around on how the "game" works by gaining more exposure into the field. I completed 21 credits or 6 classes: Data Structures and Algorithms, Theory of Computation, Computer Organization, Statistic, Calculus, and Linear Algebra with a 3.9/4 GPA.
After learning the application timelines, I started practicing algorithms from LeetCode and applying to programs and internships. With my interest in games, I completed my first personal project making a game in pygame. Finally, I completed online courses such as Harvard's CS50 Intro to Computer Science, and Harvard's CS50 Intro To Python branch.
After realizing I should prioritize practical experience and internships, I lowered my credits to 12 to allocate and manage my time better taking Database Systems, Software Engineering, Analysis of Algorithms, and Game Design.
Got my first small internship working with another person and being mentored! Working on Generative AI and rendering 3D models.
Completed more online courses like MIT's Introduction to Deep learning and Harvard's CS50 Introduction to Databases with SQL along with starting others. Tried out Unity and build my first prototype and kept applying for internships and courses.
Developed and practiced my data structure and algorithm skills by learning from the procture and practicing leetcode questions in breakout rooms with a group of 4. Met up twice a week, 2 hours per day and had a weekly HackerRank test.
Utilizing C# and .NET MAUI to develop and enhance features for a cross-platform application.
Worked with a group of 2 to develop a fullstack application about connecting with people utilizing Firebase, Python, Flask, React Native, and other APIs
Use JavaScript and P5.js to develop an interactive gallery of generative art pieces.
Scouted and assembled a team of 5 consisting of 3 programmers, an artist, and a composer to build a 2D Top-Down, Souls-like, and Bullet Hell Unity game based on the theme: Shadows and Alchemy
Building 5 fullstack projects in 5 weeks with a team of 3 with a final deployable project getting 1000 people waitlisted. Participating in weekly hackathons and IRL meetings.